Snapshot version

You are browsing the docs for the snapshot version of Nexus, the latest release is available here

v1.10 Release Notes

This is an incremental software release that adds several improvements across the board. The API is backwards compatible with v1.9 except for creating and updating S3 storages

For the detailed list of updates in this release, see the list of addressed issues since v1.9.

Nexus Delta

Fetching by org and project UUIDs

The legacy way of being able to:

  • Fetch/Update organizations by their UUIDs
  • Fetch/Update projects by their UUIDs
  • Create/Update/Fetch the different types of resources by their project uuids

has been removed.

Only the ability to fetch by their labels remains.


Enforce the use of a schema

It is now possible to ban unconstrained resource in a project.

More information


Return annotated original payload for schemas

It is now possible to return the schema original payload along with its metadata.

More information

Undeprecate schemas

Previously deprecated schemas can now be undeprecated.

More information


Undeprecate views

Previously deprecated views can now be undeprecated. This is available for all view types.

More information (ElasticSearch views)

More information (Sparql views)

More information (Composite views)

Elasticsearch views

New mapping and settings for the default Elasticsearch view

The default Elasticsearch view now uses a new mapping and settings which improves the ability to search for resources using the listing endpoints.

Create and delete point-in-time to use during search queries

It is now possible to create point-in-time on underlying Elasticsearch indices and use them on search queries.

More information


Custom metadata

It is now possible to add custom metadata when creating and updating files. This metadata will be indexed for full-text search.

More information about metadata during file creation

More information about metadata during file update


S3 support

The S3 support for Nexus Delta has been rewritten and new operations are available.

More information for storages

More information for files

Disabling default storage

The creation of a default storage at project creation can now be disabled.

Undeprecate Storages

Previously deprecated storages can now be undeprecated.

More information


  • Storages can no longer be tagged, looked up by tag or have their tags fetched.
  • It is no longer possible to provide the storage capacity as it is no longer enforced.


Fetching the annotated original payload of a resolved resource.

The annotate parameter has been introduced to the endpoint to get the original payload of a resolved resource.

More information


  • The ability to tag a resolver has been removed. It is also no longer possible to fetch a resolver by tag.

Global search

Fetch search suites endpoint

An endpoint to fetch a search suite has been added.

More information

Search API mapping

An API endpoint has been defined for search views to make it easier to query the composite views endpoint related to it.



  • The ability to fetch indexing errors as SSEs has been removed
  • The ability to fetch all global events as SSEs has been removed.
  • The ability to fetch events for global entities (ACLs, Organizations, Permissions, Realms) has been removed.


Projects health

A new endpoint has been added to check the health of the projects.

More information

Project healing

A new endpoint has been added to heal a project.

More information

Nexus Fusion

Support for undeprecation

Undeprecation of Project, Storage, View and Schema was added.


Minor bugfixes and improvements were included in this release.

See the list of addressed issues since v1.9.