Outdated version

You are browsing the docs for Nexus v1.7.x, the latest release is available here

Benchmarks v1.4.2

The tests were run against version 1.4.2 in January 2021 using Gatling version 3.5.0.

These are the most recent benchmarks. For older benchmarks of Nexus version 1.2.1 see here.


The system was deployed on AWS EKS using the following configuration:

  • Up to 12 compute nodes of 16 vCPU, 64 GB RAM
  • AWS EBS storage - gp3, 10 000 IOPS, throughput 250 MB/s

The services were deployed as follows:

  • 1 to 12 Delta pods with 8 vCPU, 8GB HEAP
  • 1 to 12 Cassandra pods each with 3.5 vCPU, 12 GB HEAP, 250 GB EBS storage
  • 1 Elasticsearch pod with 2 vCPU, 8 GB HEAP, 50GB gp2 storage
  • 1 Blazegraph pod with 2 vCPU, 4 GB HEAP, 50GB gp2 storage
  • 1 Keycloak pod using its internal database H2 as storage, 5GB gp2 storage
  • 1 Prometheus pod and 1 Grafana pod, 50GB gp2 storage
  • 1 Nginx ingress controller

Data volume

Prior to the test execution a reasonable amount of data was injected into the system to ensure the system behaves well under a typical volume, specifically 120,000,000 resources were created across 27 projects using an exponential distribution. The total number of triples (22 for each resource + 11 system metadata) was approximately: 4,000,000,000.

The following resource template was used for both pre-created resources and the resources created during the tests:

  "@type": [
  "http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#used": {
    "@id": "https://nexus-sandbox.io/neurosciencegraph/data/049b569d-98ba-4a54-a9cb-45f5c5cd3b40",
    "@type": [
    "http://schema.org/name": "Some PatchedCell"
  "http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#wasAssociatedWith": {
    "@id": "https://nexus-sandbox.io/v1/realms/random/users/someuser",
    "@type": "http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#Agent"
  "https://neuroshapes.org/hadProtocol": {
    "@id": "https://nexus-sandbox.io/neurosciencegraph/data/3f189851-c3de-470d-894e-68abe116bfe4",
    "@type": [
    "http://schema.org/name": "Some Protocol"
  "https://neuroshapes.org/stimulus": {
    "https://neuroshapes.org/stimulusType": {
      "@id": "http://stimulusont.org/H20S8",
      "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label": "H20S8"


The main focus of the tests is to identify the throughput and latency for the primary operations as most of the secondary operations would either have the same results or be irrelevant. For example:

  • tagging or deprecating a resource is equivalent to performing a create without validation
  • updating a resource is equivalent to creating a new one (with or without validation)
  • accessing the incoming or outgoing link is irrelevant as the system just delegates the operation to the triple store

The primary operations are:

  • create without validation
  • create with validation using a schema that imports others as transitive dependencies
  • create with validation using a schema with the same collection of shapes but without any dependencies
  • fetch a resource by id while injecting the metadata in the resource RDF graph representation and returning it as json
  • fetch a resource source json representation

Each test has been run for 5 minutes using a concurrency level of 32 for each Delta node (e.g.: 6 Delta nodes -> 192 users), except for the single node test where a concurrency level of 16 was used.


Highlights and conclusions

The system scales almost linearly with the number of nodes in terms of throughput and the latency remains within acceptable values.

In most cases the increase of latency is minimal as adding additional nodes to the cluster increases the necessary data exchange between nodes when handling requests. The chance for the required data to be handled by the node that accepts each request decreases from 100% (single node) to ~16% (6 node cluster) and if executing the request implies interaction with multiple resources (like in the case of creating a resource with validation where the schema has import definitions) the chances drop close to 1%.

The latency increase for creating resources with validation using a self contained (single) schema is caused by the fact that the system is CPU bound while performing heavy operations. The the values for the 95th percentiles show that there’s a higher deviation in the values for this operation. This is explained by nodes processing different number of validations depending on how requests are distributed between the members of the cluster.

As the benchmarks were performed using EBS (remote) storage for the Cassandra instances this may have influenced the latency during the benchmarks. However, when re-running the benchmarks the results were very similar. In addition, when studying the overall performance of the system and comparing it to the previous benchmarks which used local storage the performance still behaves as expected.

It can be also be observed that enabling authentication does not add any significant amount of latency to the benchmarks.

Read - Throughput (requests / second) for varied number of nodes

Read - Latency (ms) for varied number of nodes

Write no validation - Throughput (requests / second) for varied number of nodes

Write no validation - Latency (ms) for varied number of nodes

Write - Throughput (requests / second) for varied number of nodes

Write - Latency (ms) for varied number of nodes

Raw results

The following sections show the exact numbers for throughput and latency of the system for each test configuration.

Create Resource, No Validation

The test evaluates the throughput and latency at 50, 75, 95 and 99 percentiles when creating new unconstrained resources.

Nodes Concurrency Throughput (req/s) p50 (ms) p75 (ms) p95 (ms) p99 (ms)
1 16 712 20 24 33 81
2 64 1328 44 54 83 110
4 128 2594 42 56 97 125
6 192 3270 52 71 110 143
9 288 4539 52 77 130 172
12 384 5578 60 86 132 174

Create Resource, Validation, InProject Resolution, Modular Schema

The test evaluates the throughput and latency at 50, 75, 95 and 99 percentiles when creating new resources constrained by schemas hosted in the same project as the one used for creation. The schema uses transitive imports of other schemas and contexts.

Nodes Concurrency Throughput (req/s) p50 (ms) p75 (ms) p95 (ms) p99 (ms)
1 8 24 329 340 365 437
2 32 58 552 596 640 709
4 64 116 548 587 654 793
6 96 164 573 614 707 915
9 144 237 598 638 724 899
12 192 288 656 702 798 1044

Create Resource, Validation, InProject Resolution, Single Schema

The test evaluates the throughput and latency at 50, 75, 95 and 99 percentiles when creating new resources constrained by a schema hosted in the same project as the one used for creation. The schema has all the necessary shapes defined in the same resource and does not reference other schemas or contexts.

Nodes Concurrency Throughput (req/s) p50 (ms) p75 (ms) p95 (ms) p99 (ms)
1 8 73 105 122 136 157
2 32 141 216 277 358 428
4 64 266 178 297 546 692
6 96 367 169 246 779 1159
9 144 532 175 240 919 1350
12 192 626 170 218 1379 2216

Fetch Resource

The test evaluates the throughput and latency at 50, 75, 95 and 99 percentiles when getting a resource by its id. It shows the impact of transforming the original json representation into an RDF graph, injecting the system metadata (e.g. rev, deprecated, project, org etc.) and presenting the result in a JSON-LD representation.

Nodes Concurrency Throughput (req/s) p50 (ms) p75 (ms) p95 (ms) p99 (ms)
1 16 1513 10 11 12 19
2 64 2687 22 25 36 45
4 128 5386 22 24 34 45
6 192 9063 19 23 35 47
9 288 11997 22 26 40 53
12 384 17011 20 25 36 50

Fetch Resource Source

The test evaluates the throughput and latency at 50, 75, 95 and 99 percentiles when getting a resource by its id in its original representation.

Nodes Concurrency Throughput (req/s) p50 (ms) p75 (ms) p95 (ms) p99 (ms)
1 16 1539 10 10 11 18
2 64 3135 19 22 32 39
4 128 5615 21 23 38 47
6 192 8726 20 22 32 45
9 288 12354 22 26 36 50
12 384 17815 20 24 34 46

Results with authentication

Read - Throughput (requests / second) for varied number of nodes (with authentication)

Read - Latency (ms) for varied number of nodes (with authentication)

Write no validation - Throughput (requests / second) for varied number of nodes (with authentication)

Write no validation - Latency (ms) for varied number of nodes (with authentication)

Write - Throughput (requests / second) for varied number of nodes (with authentication)

Write - Latency (ms) for varied number of nodes (with authentication)

Raw results with authentication

The following sections show the exact numbers for throughput and latency of the system for each test configuration when enabling authentication. It can be noted that the authentication does not add any significant performance penalty.

Create Resource, No Validation (with authentication)

The test evaluates the throughput and latency at 50, 75, 95 and 99 percentiles when creating new unconstrained resources.

Nodes Concurrency Throughput (req/s) p50 (ms) p75 (ms) p95 (ms) p99 (ms)
1 16 683 21 25 36 67
2 64 1273 46 57 85 110
4 128 2557 44 58 94 118
6 192 3113 54 74 120 154
9 288 4232 60 85 128 169
12 384 5114 68 94 144 189

Create Resource, Validation, InProject Resolution, Modular Schema (with authentication)

The test evaluates the throughput and latency at 50, 75, 95 and 99 percentiles when creating new resources constrained by schemas hosted in the same project as the one used for creation. The schema uses transitive imports of other schemas and contexts.

Nodes Concurrency Throughput (req/s) p50 (ms) p75 (ms) p95 (ms) p99 (ms)
1 8 24 327 337 357 374
2 32 58 549 592 634 707
6 96 168 565 607 680 784
9 144 230 596 646 801 1431
12 192 289 647 695 803 1124

Create Resource, Validation, InProject Resolution, Single Schema (with authentication)

The test evaluates the throughput and latency at 50, 75, 95 and 99 percentiles when creating new resources constrained by a schema hosted in the same project as the one used for creation. The schema has all the necessary shapes defined in the same resource and does not reference other schemas or contexts.

Nodes Concurrency Throughput (req/s) p50 (ms) p75 (ms) p95 (ms) p99 (ms)
1 8 74 104 121 134 146
2 32 139 214 286 372 445
4 64 270 174 295 543 674
6 96 383 168 244 727 998
9 144 622 171 219 1393 2249
12 192 24 329 340 365 437

Fetch Resource (with authentication)

The test evaluates the throughput and latency at 50, 75, 95 and 99 percentiles when getting a resource by its id. It shows the impact of transforming the original json representation into an RDF graph, injecting the system metadata (e.g. rev, deprecated, project, org etc.) and presenting the result in a JSON-LD representation.

Nodes Concurrency Throughput (req/s) p50 (ms) p75 (ms) p95 (ms) p99 (ms)
1 16 1496 11 11 11 14
2 64 3016 20 24 33 37
4 128 5459 22 24 33 44
6 192 9293 19 22 34 48
9 288 12118 22 25 40 53
12 384 14268 24 30 45 61

Fetch Resource Source (with authentication)

The test evaluates the throughput and latency at 50, 75, 95 and 99 percentiles when getting a resource by its id in its original representation.

Nodes Concurrency Throughput (req/s) p50 (ms) p75 (ms) p95 (ms) p99 (ms)
1 16 1494 11 11 11 14
2 64 2982 20 24 34 37
4 128 5690 21 23 33 44
6 192 8971 19 23 35 49
9 288 12491 21 25 36 49
12 384 14363 25 30 42 54