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v1.7 To v1.8 Migration

The v1.8 release of Delta introduces PostgreSQL as sole option for the Delta primary event store.

(To have a complete list of improvements, see here).

These improvements require to replay all existing events, moving them from Cassandra to PostgreSQL, and to reindex all data to Elasticsearch/Blazegraph.

The following steps describe how to perform the migration. At the end, Delta v1.8 will be running using PostgreSQL as primary store.

Depending on the number and the complexity of existing resources and schemas in the system, the migration may take several hours to complete.

The migration itself can be run in three ways:

  • Switching off your Delta 1.7-base Nexus deployment, and re-starting it with Delta 1.8. Then re-uploading all the data in the new instance. This only requires setting up the PostgreSQL instance, and upgrading the Delta image.
  • Switching off Delta 1.7, and starting Delta 1.8 by following the steps described in this document.
  • Starting a Delta 1.8 in parallel to Delta 1.7 by following the steps described in this document. When ready, the 1.7 can be switched off and be replaced by Delta 1.8. This step also requires to run a second instance of Blazegraph.

The choice of migration will depend on your current setup, needs, and uptime requirements that you want to uphold for your users. At Blue Brain, we have opted to run two instances in parallel. This allows for an online migration from Cassandra to PostgreSQL that does not disrupt the users using Delta 1.7. While both instances are running, any actions taken by the users in the 1.7 instance will be migrated and reflected in the Delta 1.8 instance.

The third option can be summarized as follows:

Migration diagram

  1. Events from Cassandra are read (in order) by the Delta 1.8 instance
  2. These events are pushed to the PostgreSQL instance
  3. Only when the data migration is complete and indexing enabled, data is reindexed in Elasticsearch and Blazegraph using new indices


  • Running an instance of Delta 1.7
  • PostgreSQL
    • Version: ^15.1
    • Storage: minimum 80% of the storage dedicated to Cassandra in Delta 1.7
    • CPU: minimum 50% of the CPU allocated to Cassandra in Delta 1.7
    • RAM: minimum 50% of the RAM allocated to Cassandra in Delta 1.7

The values stated above are indicative and should be adapted in function of your actual Delta usage.

Prepare Cassandra

Perform a backup

Perform a backup of the original keyspace delta_1_7 and perform a repair of the Cassandra nodes:

nodetool repair

We will assume from hereon that the existing Cassandra keyspace is delta_1_7.

Create a materialized view on the messages table on the original keyspace

Check the total space used (in bytes) by the original delta_1_7.messages table:

nodetool tablestats delta_1_7.messages | grep "Space used (total)"

It is safe to assume that the materialized view will take the same amount of space as the original table, and sufficient storage space should be ensured.

When ready, create a materialized view on the messages table on the keyspace delta_1_7:

    SELECT ser_manifest, ser_id, event
    FROM delta_1_7.messages
    WHERE timebucket is not null
    AND persistence_id is not null
    AND partition_nr is not null
    AND sequence_nr is not null
    AND timestamp is not null
    PRIMARY KEY(timebucket, timestamp, persistence_id, partition_nr, sequence_nr)
    WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (timestamp asc);

The materialized view will take some time to build depending on the number of events.

Check the materialized view

These operations may take a while to complete depending on the number of rows in the messages table.

  • On the messages table:
cqlsh -e 'select timebucket from delta_1_7.messages' | grep rows
  • On the materialized view:
cqlsh -e 'select timebucket from delta_1_7.ordered_messages' | grep rows

When the materialized view has the same number of rows as the table then it is ready for migration.

Prepare PostgreSQL

Create migration tables

Run the following command in the PostgreSQL instance to create the temporary tables needed for the migration:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.migration_offset(
    name         text        NOT NULL,
    akka_offset  text        NOT NULL,
    processed    bigint      NOT NULL,
    discarded    bigint      NOT NULL,
    failed       bigint      NOT NULL,
    instant      timestamptz NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY(name)

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.ignored_events(
    type            text        NOT NULL,
    persistence_id  text        NOT NULL,
    sequence_nr     bigint      NOT NULL,
    payload         JSONB       NOT NULL,
    instant         timestamptz NOT NULL,
    akka_offset     text        NOT NULL

Create the PostgreSQL tables

Run the commands from the Delta 1.8.x schema scripts to create the tables necessary for Delta operations.

Elasticsearch and Blazegraph indices

For the migration, there are two ways to make sure that the new Delta 1.8 indices do not overlap the ones from Delta 1.7 (for both Elasticsearch and Blazegraph):

  1. Delete all existing indices
  2. Configure a different prefix for the new Delta 1.8 indices using the app.defaults.indexing.prefix field, which sets the default prefix value for both Elasticsearch and Blazegraph indices.

Elasticsearch defaults to a maximum of 1000 shards per node in the cluster. If you intend to keep both old and new indices for the time of the migration, ensure that you can double your amount of shards within this limit. It is also possible to raise this limit by configuring cluster.max_shards_per_node. In both cases, monitor your resource usage, and consider allocating more resources to Elasticsearch for the time of the migration.

Blazegraph journal size

Blazegraph stores data using a journaling system, which is append-only. Consider backing up your existing Blazegraph journal (by making a copy of the blazegraph.jnl file), and running with a clean instance of Blazegraph. This can allow a significant reduction in the size of the journal as only the latest state will be saved.

Migration configuration

Pull the docker image for Delta 1.8

Pull the docker image for Delta 1.8 from Docker Hub

docker pull bluebrain/nexus-delta:1.8.x

Configure Delta in migration mode

This section defines the mandatory configuration to run Delta in migration mode.

Configuration file

A migration configuration file needs to be made available at a path accessible by Delta 1.8, which will be references by an environment variable. Important fields are:

  • migration.batch.max-elements: maximum number of events to push to PostgreSQL at once
  • migration.replay.max-buffer-size: maximum number of events to read from Cassandra at once
  • migration.replay.keyspace: name of the existing Cassandra keyspace
  • migration.first-time-bucket: the time bucket from which to start the migration
  • migration.ignored.blacklisted: a list of projects to ignore during the migration

Environment variables

The following environment variables need to be set when launching Delta v1.8 in migration mode:

  • KAMON_ENABLED: false (not mandatory but recommended)
  • MIGRATE_DATA: true
  • MIGRATION_CONF: /path/to/migration.conf (cf. configuration file)
  • DELTA_PLUGINS: /opt/docker/plugins/

JVM parameters

  • Adopt the same values as the one for your current deployment

Java properties

Description Property Example value
PostgreSQL host app.defaults.database.access.host
PostgreSQL port app.defaults.database.access.port
PostgreSQL pool size app.defaults.database.access.pool-size
PostgreSQL username app.defaults.database.username
PostgreSQL password app.defaults.database.password
PostgreSQL database name app.defaults.database.name
Service binding interface app.http.interface
Service Uri Path prefix app.http.base-uri {delta-url}:8080/v1
Cassandra username datastax-java-driver.advanced.auth-provider.username
Cassandra password datastax-java-driver.advanced.auth-provider.password
Cassandra auth class datastax-java-driver.advanced.auth-provider.class PlainTextAuthProvider
Cassandra contact point (1) datastax-java-driver.basic.contact-points.0 cassandra-1:9042
Cassandra contact point (2) datastax-java-driver.basic.contact-points.1 cassandra-2:9042
Cassandra timeout datastax-java-driver.basic.request.timeout 10 seconds
Cassandra pagination datastax-java-driver.basic.page-size 500
Cassandra compression lib datastax-java-driver.advanced.protocol.compression lz4
Cassandra reconnect datastax-java-driver.advanced.reconnect-on-init true
Secrets encryption password app.encryption.password
Secrets encryption salt app.encryption.salt
Remote storage enabling plugins.storage.storages.remote-disk.enabled true/false
S3 storage enabling plugins.storage.storages.amazon.enabled true/false

For more information on the configuration of Delta, please refer to the Nexus configuration page.

Migrating events from Cassandra to PostgreSQL

Starting the data migration

Start Delta v1.8 with the configuration described in the configuration section. As the application starts, the Delta log should contain the following lines:

2023-02-08 13:02:26 INFO  c.e.b.n.d.sourcing.stream.Supervisor - Starting Delta supervisor
2023-02-08 13:02:26 INFO  c.e.b.n.d.sourcing.stream.Supervisor - Delta supervisor is up
2023-02-08 13:02:27 INFO  c.e.b.n.d.sourcing.stream.Supervisor - Starting 'migration/migrate-from-cassandra' with strategy 'TransientSingleNode'.

Monitor the health of the platform

Please check the general health of the platform.

Check the migration progress:

Run the following query on table migration_progress in your PostgreSQL instance:

SELECT name, akka_offset, processed, discarded, failed, instant FROM public.migration_offset;

This will return a similar response:

   name    |             akka_offset              | processed | discarded | failed |          instant
 migration | c64c3630-a3a8-11ed-9b31-b3b1660f61b0 |    267972 |         0 |      0 | 2023-02-03 10:54:39.507+01

The table contains the following information:

  • processed: total number of processed events that have been processed
  • discarded: total number of events that have been discarded
  • failed: number of failures risen during the migration
  • instant: timestamp of the last event processed by migration when migration last saved progress

Once the migration terminates, the sum of the processed, discarded, and failed columns should be equal to the number of events in your Delta 1.7 deployment.

When looking at the logs, these lines should be also repeated (the timestamp should match the current date/hour):

2023-02-08 12:56:26 INFO  c.e.b.n.m.replay.ReplayEvents - We got 0 rows
2023-02-08 12:56:26 INFO  c.e.b.n.m.replay.ReplayEvents - Next offset is 1ced2000-a7a8-11ed-8080-808080808080 (2023-02-08 12:00:00:000)
2023-02-08 12:56:26 INFO  c.e.b.n.m.replay.ReplayEvents - No results for current bucket, waiting for 3000 milliseconds

Keep looking regularly in the logs to look if the migration is still ongoing without problems. If the migration crashes, a restart should allow it to start back from where it stopped.

Post data migration checks

Internal PostgreSQL consistency check

Once the migration has reached the current date/time, check that the sum of global and scoped events is equal to the number of processed events. Running the following query, the two columns should be equal:

 (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM scoped_events) +
 (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM global_events) sum_events,
 (SELECT processed FROM migration_offset);

High revision entities check

Find entities that have a high number of revisions:

SELECT id, max_rev FROM
    id, MAX(rev) max_rev 
    FROM scoped_events 
    GROUP BY id
  ) AS idToRev 

and check that their revision counts match the number of revisions in Cassandra:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM delta_1_7.messages WHERE persistence_id = '{persistence_id}' and partition_nr = 0;

where the persistence_id is of the form {entity_type}-{org_name}%2F{project_name}_{id}. Make sure {id} has URL encoded characters.

Automated migration checks

If you are running Delta 1.8 in parallel to Delta 1.7, it is possible to perform automated checks by making POST requests to the following Delta 1.8 endpoints once the reindexing is completed.

To run the checks add and complete the following to your migration.conf:

check {
  # Previous prefix used for indexing
  previous-prefix = "{old_indexing_prefix}"
  # The endpoint of the blazegraph instance used for Delta 1.7
  blazegraph-base = "http://blazegraph:9999/blazegraph"
  # The endpoint of the Delta 1.7 instance
  delta-base = "http://delta:8080/v1"
  # The endpoint of the Delta 1.7 instance
  new-delta-base = "http://delta-new:8080/v1"
  # Save interval for long running checks
  save-interval = 20 seconds
  # Max concurrent checks for resources
  max-concurrent = 2

and start Delta 1.8 with the MIGRATE_CHECK environment variable set to true. You will then be able to call the following migration check HTTP endpoints on your Delta 1.8 instance.

  • /migration/project-stats
    • Count the number of resources in projects across the two instances
    • Results are written in public.migration_project_count
  • /migration/elasticsearch
    • Count the indexed documents in Elasticsearch views across the two instances
    • Results are written in public.migration_elasticsearch_count
  • /migration/blazegraph
    • Count the indexed documents in Blazegraph views across the two instances
    • Results are written in public.migration_blazegraph_count
  • /migration/composite
    • Count the indexed documents in composite views across the two instances
    • Results are written in public.migration_composite_count
  • /migration/resources
    • Results are written in public.migration_resources_diff

Delta 1.8 contains several bug fixes and improvements that result in differences in the Blazegraph counts. As such it is expected to find differences in the migration_blazegraph_count table. Additionally, the default Blazegraph query timeout is 1 minute, so that the count may not be able to complete for large projects.

The calls must be authenticated using the same service account as the one defined in Delta.

Before running the tests, the following command needs to be run in your PostgreSQL instance:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.migration_resources_diff_offset(
    project   text         NOT NULL,
    ordering  bigint,
    PRIMARY KEY(project)

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.migration_resources_diff(
    type      text         NOT NULL,
    project   text         NOT NULL,
    id        text         NOT NULL,
    value_1_7 JSONB,
    value_1_8 JSONB,
    error     text,
    PRIMARY KEY(type, project, id)

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.migration_project_count(
    project   text         NOT NULL,
    event_count_1_7 bigint,
    event_count_1_8 bigint,
    resource_count_1_7 bigint,
    resource_count_1_8 bigint,
    error     text,
    PRIMARY KEY(project)

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.migration_blazegraph_count(
    project   text         NOT NULL,
    id        text         NOT NULL,
    count_1_7 bigint,
    count_1_8 bigint,
    PRIMARY KEY(project, id)

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.migration_elasticsearch_count(
    project   text         NOT NULL,
    id        text         NOT NULL,
    count_1_7 bigint,
    count_1_8 bigint,
    PRIMARY KEY(project, id)

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.migration_composite_count(
    project       text         NOT NULL,
    id            text         NOT NULL,
    space_id text         NOT NULL,
    count_1_7 bigint,
    count_1_8 bigint,
    PRIMARY KEY(project, id, space_id)


export TOKEN=<service-account-bearer-token>
curl --request POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" http://localhost:80/v1/migration/elasticsearch

In the logs, you should observe

2023-02-27 09:11:37 INFO  c.e.b.n.d.p.c.m.ElasticSearchViewsCheck - Starting checking elasticsearch views counts
2023-02-27 09:11:39 INFO  c.e.b.n.d.p.c.m.ElasticSearchViewsCheck - Checking elasticsearch views counts completed in 1 seconds.
2023-02-27 09:11:39 INFO  c.e.b.n.d.p.c.m.MigrationCheckRoutes - Stopping stream 'elasticsearch' after completion.

After which it is possible to inspect the results in the public.migration_elasticsearch_count PostgreSQL table.


Once migration is completed and the previous checks have been performed, Delta can be restarted in normal mode.

  • Shut down Delta v1.8 running in migration mode.
  • Remove the MIGRATE_DATA, DISABLE_INDEXING environment variables.
    • While DISABLE_INDEXING disables all indexing, it is possible to have more granular control over what is being indexed by using combinations of the following environment variables: DISABLE_ES_INDEXING, DISABLE_BG_INDEXING, DISABLE_COMPOSITE_INDEXING which disable the indexing of Elasticsearch views, Blazegraph/Sparql views, and composite views, respectively.
  • Restart Delta v1.8, which will now run in normal mode.
  • Check the Delta logs after restart. It should contain the following lines:
2023-02-08 13:34:13 INFO  c.e.b.n.d.sourcing.stream.Supervisor - Starting 'system/elasticsearch-coordinator' with strategy 'EveryNode'.
2023-02-08 13:34:13 INFO  c.e.b.n.d.sourcing.stream.Supervisor - Starting 'system/blazegraph-coordinator' with strategy 'EveryNode'.
2023-02-08 13:34:13 INFO  c.e.b.n.d.sourcing.stream.Supervisor - Starting 'system/composite-views-coordinator' with strategy 'EveryNode'.

And for each view:

2023-02-08 13:37:09 INFO  c.e.b.n.d.sourcing.stream.Supervisor - Starting 'elasticsearch/elasticsearch-{org}/{project}-{viewId}-{revision}' with strategy 'PersistentSingleNode'.
2023-02-08 13:37:09 INFO  c.e.b.n.d.sourcing.stream.Supervisor - Starting 'blazegraph/blazegraph-{org}/{project}-{viewId}-{revision}' with strategy 'PersistentSingleNode'.
2023-02-08 13:34:16 INFO  c.e.b.n.d.sourcing.stream.Supervisor - Starting 'compositeviews/composite-views-{org}/{project}-{viewId}-{revision}' with strategy 'TransientSingleNode'.

Following these steps, Delta v1.8 will do a complete reindexing of the views that were migrated.


  • As the entire indexing will take place, some timeouts may occur.
  • Leaving Kamon disabled (environment variable KAMON_ENABLED set to false) during this indexing is recommended.
  • Allocating temporarily more resources to Delta/PostgreSQL/Elasticsearch/Blazegraph may help as this part is greedy in resources.
  • When indexing is finished, the CPU/memory used by the platform should decrease.

Post indexing checks

For a given {org}/{project} check that the number of indexed resources is correct in the default views.

WITH vars (myorg, myproj, view_type) AS (
  VALUES ('{org}', '{project}', '{elasticsearch|blazegraph}')
  (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT id) FROM scoped_events, vars WHERE org = myorg AND project = myproj) project_resources,
  (SELECT processed-discarded FROM projection_offsets, vars WHERE name LIKE view_type || '-' || myorg || '/' || myproj || '-%default%') indexed_resources;


  • If you kept the old Elasticsearch indices for the time of the migration, delete all old indices:
curl -XDELETE 'http://{elasticsearch_host}/{old_indexing_prefix}_*'
  • If you kept the old Blazegraph indices for the time Delete Blazegraph namespaces:
for i in `curl -s 'http://{blazegraph_host}/blazegraph/namespace?describe-each-named-graph=false' | grep sparqlEndpoint | grep -o --color "rdf:resource=\"[^\"]*" | sed 's/rdf:resource="//' | sed 's#/sparql$##' | grep -v kb | grep -v LBS | grep {old_indexing_prefix}`
  do curl -X DELETE "$i"
  • If running Delta v1.8 as a separate instance from Delta v1.7, the latter can be turned off.
  • Once Delta v1.8 is up and running and has finished indexing, Cassandra can be turned off.
  • Reverse the temporary resources / configuration changes.
    • Remove all migration java options
    • Remove all datastax java options